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Faith-Part 18

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An "Enterprise" story

By Alison M. DOBELL

ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://www.carlajane.50megs.com/Ali00.html

SUMMARY": "When members of the crew go suddenly missing, Captain Archer finds the only witness is unable to tell them anything. Lieutenant Reed takes it upon himself to turn detective."
DISCLAIMER: The characters and 'Enterprise' belong to Paramount. No
infringement of copyright is intended.

Part 18

* * * * *

Another barrage of weapons fire rocked Enterprise. Lieutenant Reed was all but pulling his hair out trying to jury rig a powerful enough response to give them breathing space but the simple fact was that they were outgunned. He wished Commander Tucker were there. Wondered briefly what could be keeping the Chief Engineer and Sub-Commander at such a critical time. Then his answer appeared and he wished with all his heart that his prayer had not been answered.

Captain Archer turned in his chair as Commander Tucker carefully stepped on to the bridge. To look at him he seemed to be alright. No outward sign of the intense inner turmoil he was suffering. He moved slowly and stopped by the railing, managing to casually place his hands on it to hide the fact that it was helping to keep him upright. A moment later Sub-Commander T'Pol walked passed him and took her place at the science station. They did not look at each other. T'Pol immediately began to check her sensors, her averted face hiding how her face gently glowed. The skin glistening even though she had wiped her face dry before entering the bridge. Commander Tucker was not so lucky. He stood in full view of the Captain. Captain Archer glared at him. At that precise moment, Lt Reed's startled voice interrupted what the Captain was about to say.

"Sir? The Romulan vessel is moving off."

The Captain blinked but did not take his eyes off his Chief Engineer. "Weapons lock?"

Lieutanant Reed shook his head, eyes fastened on his instrument panel. Baffled. "No, sir." He paused then looked up in surprise. "The vessel has just gone to warp."

Sub-Commander T'Pol's monotone cut in smoothly. "I concur, Captain. For some reason the vessel has broken off its attack." She frowned but did not share her thoughts with anyone but the Commander. *What are Romulans doing here?*

*Romulans? How the hell should I know? Don't your people have some kind of connection to them?*


*So what happened? Someone urinate in the punch and end that little

*Commander!* Her thoughts became icy in admonishment.

*Well? Somethin' must have happened, T'Pol*

Before she could answer Captain Archer's voice brought them both back to a very painful present. "Commander Tucker, do you mind enlightening this crew as to where you have been and why you have not answered any of my attempts to reach you?"

He flushed slightly but even that wash of colour barely tinged the
paleness of his skin. Ensign Sato narrowed her eyes slightly in concern. Now she got a good look at him the Commander did not look well at all. She wondered if the Captain had noticed then realised he was only just managing to rein his anger in enough to form words. "I'm sorry, Cap'n..." Trip drawled slowly.

His less than crisp response seemed to inflame the Captain even more. "Travis, take us out of here, Warp 4."

"Yes, sir."

The Captain took a slow deep breath, his eyes turning into hot coals. The Commander had not moved a muscle. He just stared at the Captain and tried to keep his breath even and his back straight. He was for it now, he just knew it.

"I'm waiting, *Mister* Tucker."

"I was....I mean I uh...." He trailed off. How the hell could he tell the Captain he had been busy making mad passionate love to their first officer? He bit his bottom lip then amended what he was going to say. "I'm sorry, Cap'n, it won't happen again."

Something deadly settled in the Captain's eyes. It was as if no one else existed on the bridge but those two. "No, Mister Tucker, it *won't* happen again. I need to know that my senior staff are men and women that I can rely on. People who take their duties to this ship and this crew seriously. Perhaps a few days in the brig will concentrate your mind on the things really matter."

Commander Tucker went a paperwhite shade of pale. "Cap'n you can't do that...."

Sparks struck the immovable object in the Captain's eye. "Ten days in the brig!"

"Cap'n, I don't...."

"Twenty!" Snapped Captain Archer, eyes now blazing. No longer trying to hide how furious he was. That his best friend could do this to him. Let him down so comprehensively the one moment he needed him most.

"If I could just explain..."

"Thirty days!"

A stunned hush fell on the bridge. No one dared to even breathe. Trip could not remember the last time he had seen the Captain this angry. And never with him. He could hardly swallow but managed a very small tight nod. It seemed stupid to try to point out that in his current condition he would be lucky to last a week without T'Pol. A grim look settled in the eyes of his former friend. Commander Tucker knew he only had himself to blame. The Captain had warned him and as usual he had not listened. The one thought uppermost in his mind was not to drag T'Pol down with him. He still knew what it was to be a gentleman.

"I don't know what you thought you were doing *Commander.*" He flicked a venomous glance towards Sub-Commander T'Pol. Ensign Sato realised the Captain had noticed T'Pol's flushed and perspiring condition and put two and two together. "I have already had cause to reprimand you about fraternising with certain members of the crew. Perhaps you are not cut out for a career in Starfleet after all..."

He let his words trail off and watched the verbal missiles hit their intended target. Only an effort of supreme will kept Trip upright. There was no colour at all in his face now. He could not have hurt him more had he shot him at point blank range.

"I am therefore relieving you of your Command, *Mister* Tucker. Lieutenant Reed?"

Lieutenant Reed automatically came to attention at the peremptory bark in the Captain's voice. A single word of command was worth a thousand threats. "Yes, sir?"

"You will escort *Mister* Tucker to the brig where he will have ample time to consider his future and reflect on his actions. You are to keep a guard posted at all times and no one is to visit him unless it is on my express orders, is that clear? From this moment on, the former *Commander* is incommunicado."

The Armoury Officer went pale. He had never imagined the Captain could be so harsh but one look at his face was enough to tell him not to argue. The sooner he got the Commander off the bridge, the sooner he could start to wrack his brains for a way to diffuse the situation. Weeks from now they would all be laughing about this. At least. That was what he hoped.

Sub-Commander T'Pol could not look at the Captain. The anger and desperation she felt was almost overpowering. She wanted to cry. To pummel the Captain into a greasy red pulp and wipe that sanctimonious smirk off his face. He thought he knew. Thought he understood. But he was punishing the wrong person. Only her promise to Trip to keep silent stopped her from creating a scene there and then on the bridge. She had to fight to regain her focus. T'Pol closed her eyes and gripped the science station, her back to the Captain's chair. Her mind a fog of conflicting emotions, all of them capable of ripping her to pieces. The Captain's voice cut in on her dour thoughts.

"What have you got to say, Sub-Commander?"

She forced herself to take a steadying breath and straighten. It took a few moments for her to contain her emotion and turn to face him, her face blank. A tight emotionless mask so close to grief that he almost recoiled. Almost but not quite. His simmering anger flared slightly at her tightly held control. More convinced than ever that the two most senior members of his staff had been indulging in sexual relations despite his warning for them to desist. He had given them fair warning. What more could he have done? Also there was that strident voice of fury that was tinged with a very unflattering amount of jealousy. He had once harboured romantic notions about the Sub-Commander himself. That he never expected to act on them was neither here nor there. He was the Captain. It should have been his prerogative to make the first overtures to the Vulcan Sub-Commander not his Chief Engineer. The thought burned him. Surprised at the revelation and a little ashamed to admit it. Also there was his jealousy over Trip. Commander Tucker. His long time friend. A man he would give his life for in a single heartbeat. A man he had come to rely on as his rock. Now someone else had taken his place in his friend's affections and he did not have far to look for the culprit. Culprit. Was he really that mean spirited and petty that he could not allow his friend to form friendships as close as the one he had jealously enjoyed without rival? Was he so insecure he could not let his friend have the freedom he so willingly gave to others to pick and choose who they wanted to spend their time with? He resisted the urge to shudder and backed away from confronting the Sub-Commander. He had a feeling that however right or wrong this was, he would not win any argument with the Vulcan first officer. So instead of confronting her as he had intended he fired a last broadside.

"I will naturally also be sending a report to the Vulcan High Command, Sub-Commander. No doubt you will be more forthcoming with your explanation to them."

The Sub-Commander simply stared at him unblinking. He began to feel uncomfortable which just made him even more annoyed. How dare she try to put him in the wrong. He was not the one leaking pheromones into the ship's atmosphere and perspiring like a bitch on heat. His mind froze. Like a needle stuck in a groove on a record. His eyes widened. He stared at T'Pol. The Sub-Commander turned her back on him and fiddled with her monitor. She could feel his curious eyes boring into the back of her neck and knew that he was close to realising the truth. Sub-Commander T'Pol closed her eyes and reached out to her imprisoned mate. Her thoughts seeking to bring him comfort, assure him of her unwavering love and devotion. His gentle touch brushed hers so lightly yet it set her heart aflame. Her eyes sprang open with a new fire shining through the threat of tears. She would endure this censure. For now. But only because it was what her lover wanted. If anything happened to Trip whilst he was thus incarcerated she knew she would never forgive Captain Archer. Not even if the fate of her entire species depended on it.

* * * * *

Lieutenant Reed was alarmed by how weak the Commander was. Once off the bridge he had to all but hold him up as they made their awkward way to the brig. "What happened?"

The Commander struggled to stay focused. "What d'ya mean?"

"You look bloody awful."


"I mean it, Trip. Something's wrong and don't tell me it's just the news from the Captain."

Trip groaned softly. Cursing his weakness. "Nothin' for you to worry about, Malcolm. Just do your duty and stay out of it."

"What's the matter with you? Why are you so weak?"

He sighed gently. Too tired to huff and puff. "Mustn't be eatin' ma greens..."

Lieutenant Reed adjusted his grip on the Commander. Afraid that his friend would keel over and lose consciousness. He was bearing more and more of the taller man's weight and it was alarming him. "I think Dr Phlox should see you."

The Commander shook his head. "Nah, doc's already seen me."

That stopped the lieutenant in his tracks. He propped Trip up against the corridor wall and held him upright. Anxious eyes staring into his weary face. Fatigue shining like a dull lantern in the sheen of his sweat. "What did you see the doctor for?"

Trip blinked and squinted until he got Lt Reed back in focus. He was burning up and needed this conversation like he needed the plague. "Well aren't you the nosey one?"

"It's my business to know."

"Nothin' for you to worry about." He mumbled.

"I'll be the judge of that."

"Not this time, Malcolm. Stay out of it."

The Commander's quiet assertion unsettled the lieutenant more than he could put into words. What was wrong and why wouldn't Trip let him help him? Didn't he trust him? "Trip?"

He was vaguely aware that his friend sounded a little scared. The Commander wanted to reassure him. Tell him this was a spat that would blow over only he was basically an honest man and truth be told he did not know how this was going to turn out. Lieutenant Reed shook him gently, placed a cool hand against a burning cheek.

"Oh Christ, Trip, you're burning up."


"No, you're bloody not you stubborn Yank bastard."

His head was lolling a bit. Focus all shot to pieces. "Anyone ever tell ya about your language?"

"I don't care what the Captain said, we're going to sickbay right now."

From somewhere Trip got a sudden surge of strength. He dug his heels in and refused to budge. "No."

Lieutenant Reed turned anxious eyes on him. "Trip, this is serious." He said quietly. His words clearly spoken and intense.

"I'm not gonna die on ya, Malcolm."

The Englishman swallowed and could not speak.

"Just get me to the brig," He pleaded softly. "An' trust the Cap'n. He'll come to his senses, Malcolm, you'll see."

The lieutenant did not look half as certain as Trip about that. "Before or after the funeral?" He muttered darkly half under his breath.

Realising he had no choice but to go on, Lieutenant Reed adjusted Trip's weight and took him the rest of the way. Trip was almost unconscious by the time he got him settled in the brig. It hurt him to see the Chief Engineer imprisoned like some common criminal. He wished he could do something then had an idea. If the mountain would not come to Mohammed.... He hid the ghost of a smile and fussed over his friend, making sure he was made as comfortable as possible on the narrow preformed bench built into the side of the cell. "Trip?" He whispered gently, a hand brushing back the soaking wet hair hanging like damp string in his friend's eyes.

Trip's voice was slurred now. "Yeah?"

"Just tell me why you're so weak."

He tried to laugh but that took energy and he had none to spare. His eyes were closed and he made no attempt to lift the lids. A little sigh escaped dry lips. "Ya don't need to know, Malc..."

"Come on, Trip. Isn't that what friends are for?" He coaxed softly. A hand brushing lightly through Trip's hair, partly to reassure him and partly to keep the man calm. To distract him from the prying questions he wanted so badly to have answered.

It must have worked because the Commander carried on talking. Trying to answer him as best he could. "It's called the Pon Farr..." He mumbled.

"What is?" Urged the lieutenant gently.

"Vulcan matin' fever...."

Lieutenant Reed tried not to react to that little snippet. "So T'Pol has the Pon Farr, is that it?"

He lolled his head weakly from side to side. "No, no, ya don't get it. Pon *Frell* is what the Vulcan women have. Pon Farr is what happens to the men."

"Vulcan men?"


The lieutenant's heartbeat sped up a fraction. He all but held his breath. "What do you mean 'mostly'?"

Trip laughed weakly, hearing the suspicion is his friend's voice. God, he was so damn tired. So hot. Burning. Burning. "On'y s'posed t'happen t'Vulcans. Isn't that a joke?"

"But not in this case?"

"Nah. Somehow I got the fever. Doc couldn't figure it out 'cept through human habits."

Now he was totally lost. He took a minute to think about what Trip had said. His hand continued to stroke his friend's hair, more habit now than thought behind it. "You've lost me. What human habits?"

Trip actually chuckled. "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

"Come on Trip, what habits?"

Silence. The lieutenant paused, hands still. He looked at his friend then gently checked his pulse. He was in a deep sleep. The sleep of total and utter exhaustion. Lieutenant Malcolm Reed sighed. Left his friend with a heavy heart and watched the first guard take up his post. His expression darkened in a mask of concern. He had done what the Captain had ordered him to do and put his best friend in the brig. Now he would follow his conscience. With brisk steps he hurried off in search of Dr. Phlox. Trip needed medical help whether he or the Captain were prepared to admit it or not. And he intended to see that he got it.

* * * * *

The silence on the bridge was painful. Captain Archer tried not to look specifically at any of his crew. He knew they were stunned. Shocked. And more than a little upset by what they had witnessed. Knew he had said too much that should have been spoken to Trip behind closed doors. But damn it the man had made him so mad. Now he was starting to cool down, but the anger did not go. Instead it simmered like poison waiting in his veins. He tried not to glare at T'Pol. "Sub-Commander?"

The voice responded dutifully but in a dull voice. "Yes, Captain?" She did not turn from her station to look at him. He supposed he deserved that.

"Is there any sign of the Romulan ship?"

She scanned carefully. "No, Captain."

He frowned. Confused. "It doesn't make sense. Why would they attack us then break off before finishing what they started?"

Travis had been thinking about that. He looked at the Captain thoughtfully. "Maybe they'd already accomplished what they set out to achieve?"

"Such as?"

The boomer shrugged. "The transmission was blunt and to the point. They wanted us out of Romulan space. Perhaps they felt they had made their point."

Captain Archer looked at his science officer. "You know more about Romulans than we do, Sub-Commander. Are these normal Romulan tactics?"

Reluctantly she looked in his direction. Eyes focused on a point a few inches above his right shoulder. "Romulans do not have normal tactics."

He frowned. "Is this Romulan space, Sub-Commander?"

Her hesitation was so slight few people would have detected it but Ensign Sato's sensitive ear caught the slight pause. As if the Sub-Commander was wondering just how much to tell the Captain. Or. More accurately. How little.

* * * * *

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A handful of people have made comments


JONATHON!!! HOW COULD YOU!!! Being awfully green-eyed aren't you Jon????

Trip you stupid yank! Let Malcolm take you to the doctor!

T'Pol! Don't you think there are enough secrets? HMMMMMMM.

keep it coming!


JONATHON!!! HOW COULD YOU!!! Being awfully green-eyed aren't you Jon????

Trip you stupid yank! Let Malcolm take you to the doctor!

T'Pol! Don't you think there are enough secrets? HMMMMMMM.

keep it coming!

Enjoying this and looking forward to more. Thanks:-)

Great chapter! What a twist having Trip experiencing Pon Farr! I have enjoyed this roller coaster ride and am looking forward to the next chapter! Thanks! :-)

WOW!! Great story, I can't get enough of it, and poor Trip. Please don't kill either him OR his friendship with the Cap'n. Keep it coming...